Glass half full, half empty
Glass broken.
Glass slipped from my hand when lifted to my lips for a cool sip of the water it held.
Damn that persperation on the outside of my glass half full, half empty!
Glass slipped from my hand, from my fingertips
Falling in slow motion down to the floor where the crash was louder than the pop and crackle of the ice floating in my
Glass half full, half empty.
Glass now broken.
A million pieces scattered all across the kitchen linoleum.
I shriek at the sight of it,

The very thought of having to pick up tiny pieces,
Sweeping them up with a broom
Missing unseen pieces, the forgotten flecks which will get stuck in my feet
Even though I'm careful to tip-toe and watch my steps.
Then You appear
Hurrying to my aid
Whispering ever so gently, "Wait, don't move."
You are quick to bend down
And carefully pick up the tiny shards one by one,
Even the pieces so small that I don't see with my naked eye.
You toss the shattered pieces far away from my eyes, from Your thoughts and Your memory.
I struggle to get past and put away the memory of my glass half full, half empty, then broken.
You hand me a new glass.
Full to the rim, to the point of overflowing
Full of living water,
Water living.
Never running out
Quenching my thirst forever more.
Glass always full, overflowing
Glass never empty
Glass never broken.

Writing prompt, "glass half full, half empty... I'll spiill ya". Taken from a Lil' Wayne's song 6'7'... timed: 10 minutes.