Pay Day! I am happy because it is PAYDAY!!

My smile is bright and my teeth gleam in the morning sun! It is PAYDAY!!
You know what that means. BALL 'TIL I FAAAAAALLLLLLLL!!!!

The "Gang leader" of my Triple F Possee (the financial freedom fighters, my finance group), Tiffy D would roll up on me, her light green eyes flashing bright red. They glow brightly.
And she'd slowly say... "Put that dayum stuff back, Trick!!!!!"
*Lee putting video games, CDs, sneakers and snow crabs back on the shelf... quickly*
No. No shopping for me. I will pay the mortgage, and a few bills. Then I will go do a little grocery shopping this weekend. That is IT.
*Tiffy D's eyes return to their nice green color*
Whew. Thank goodness. I don't want to deal with that girl's death stare! LOL!!
Dinter!! I had dinner with one of my faaaaaaaaaaaavorite LadyLee blog readers, Sherri, aka,, the true authority on the genre of black literature. She was in town on business, and wanted to get together. I was DOWN for that, man.
That chick has turned me on to some really good reading! Really though. And she has done me the HONOR of critiquing some of my manuscript and other writings. (She is HARD on an Oldgirl. Makes me think and makes me do better! I LOVE IT!) She's one of the best members of the Original Oldgirl Elite Critique Team.
(I'ma get some t-shirts made up for ya'll who are team members. I really am. And ya'll BETTER wear them.)
She called earlier in the day, and I was suppose to meet her at her hotel. But later, she said she'd come pick me up. The tail end of our convo...
"Alright, I'll see you in about 15 minutes, Lee."
"That'll work."
*LadyLee hangs up phone*
"Kentuuuuuuucccccccky!!!!" I holler REAL loud. "Come help me clean up real quick!!!"
We did an AMAZING amount of cleaning in 15 minutes. LOL!! I was just about to pull out the vacuum cleaner, but she was standing at my door and ringing that doorbell!
We had dinner at the Watershed. I've been there SO many times. I blogged about it the first time I went, with one of Miss Celie's homegirls, Nurse Cook (who I affectionately call "The Good Nurse"-yall KNOW I can't call peeps by their birth/gub'ment name). WOW. It's my favorite place to take someone when the come to town.
I had a green salad and some nice fried oysters, with the red bell pepper ketchup that I so dearly love. She had the fried catfish and mac-n-cheese.
I told her what The Good Nurse told me the first time I'd gone there. She told me and my brother Milk and Cookies...
"The macaroni and cheese is made by God."
I told Sherri this. We were having some nice convo and she took a bite of that... and ALL convo stopped.
I smiled. "I told you that that macaroni and cheese was made by God!"
She had that same look on her face that I had when I first tried it. Like she had seen the heavens open up and the angels sing.
Yes. That macaroni and cheese is THAT good.
She recently had a baby girl back in June, and I even got a chance to see and feed the baby.
All together now, Blog Fam...
Shoot. It almost makes me want to have one.
(Yeah right).
We had a GREAT time. I LOVE GOOD CONVERSATION! And we had a good one.
I'm glad that I got a chance to hang out with you! I had a GREAT time, and I hope we hook up again!
My Friday Video of the day: "Soul Sisters" by Finesse and Synquis.
(I know 2nd 68 remembers that one!)
My best friend LadyTee HATED them. "Aww Lee, those broads wanna be Salt-N-Peppa. That'll never happen. I can't stand them! Blah, blah, BLAAAAH!!"
We fought endlessly over them. She still talks crap whenever I mention them. LOL.
I must admit, I've always like Salt-N-Peppa better. (I'll never let LadyTee know that!)
This song is 20 years old, and contains 2 of my favorite rap verses:
"I know you're impressed by this Lady Godiva because your mouth is wide open and it's dripping saliva"
"You grab the mike and start screeching for no apparent reason. You should do what you do best, girl, and that's skeezin!"
Remember when calling a woman a "Skeezer" was the worst thing you could call her?
You know what we're regularly called in songs these days. Hmmmm.
Who would've thought those were the Good 'Ol Days???
Okay, I've finished with my rambling.
Do me a BIG ol' favor:
Have a nice weekend... on purpose.
I got to remember the Watershed. If the finances are right I will be making a trip to ATL at the end of September.
ReplyDeleteNever heard of that group. They do look like a broke down Salt N Pepa.
Have a good weekend.
You had to go and re-remind me of them...
ReplyDeleteFunny that we both put up and old video from back in the day...
Yeah, that is a shame that we want those good old days back. We all jaded now...
Hey Ladylee! You a skeezer!
See! Nothing! No grits, no ninjas, no anthrax delivered by FedAx. You probably thinking, "I got called worse than that on the way to work this morning! How sweet, he must like me!"
Dang! How you expect me to have a good weekend on purpose when you drop a mind bomb on me like that!
Okay, I will anyway!
southern gal don't remember no group that formed befoer the 90s. LOL
ReplyDeletewatershed? hmmmz...sounds like the spot i need to take my out of town guest in a few weeks.
dang...i DO remember when 'skeezer' was the worst. what i wouldnt't give to be called 'skeezer' right now.
wait, that didn't come out right...
um, financial freedom folk? i need the heads up on that one! are you sure you can't get the snow crab? i was gonna stop by your spot to get my grub on.
*Lee putting video games, CDs, sneakers and snow crabs back on the shelf... quickly*
ReplyDeleteThe SNOW CRABS made me laugh out loud. Fantastic details, Miss Writer.
That Southern Black Gal
ReplyDeleteDoggonit Southern Black Gal, you have hardly heard of ANYBODY. We gonna break you in if it's the last thing we DO!!
They were a broke down Salt n Pepa, but the did still have the skills!
You have a good weekend too :)
@The 2nd 68...
Yeah, bruh, I KNOW you remember that song. You were probably one of the fellas dancing back-up for them, getting down in your nice biking shorts leotard! LOL!!
Why thank you very much for calling me a skeezer, hon!!
You call me a b*tch or a hoe, and watch if you don't get shanked!
But my being a skeezer... such a nice compliment, it is.
*Instead of throwing grits on 2nd 68, Lee kindly places grits on a plate with 2nd 68's bacon, cheese eggs, homemade sausage, and lightly toasted bread. She slowly bats her eyes*
I. am. so. doggone. SMURFY.
Have a GREAT weekend.
@ATLien Nikki
Man, I'ma snatch Southern Black Gal baldheaded before it's all over with. She making me mad. We gonna HAVE to break her in, and teach her what REAL music is about.
That felt good, didn't it, being called a skeezer? Better than being called a bee-yotch!! LOL!!
Go to the watershed, gal. Shoot, you live about 5 minutes from that place. Be prepared to spend some bread. Me and my book club sistas went up in there and spent 300 bucks. (But them broads were guzzling the patron, so...drink some water, gal!!) I KNOW I've walked in there a couple of times and dropped 80-100 bucks on just a party of two.
I think you would love it. I HATE YOUR A$$ for living so close. HUMPH!! Try that catfish plate and get them to substitute the mac and cheese. That pork chop is the bomb too. The only thing I haven't tried is the ribeye steak and that is 38 bucks. That's too much! I can go down to the bootleg meat store we talked about and get a GANG of steak, chicken and ribs for that price and grill my dayum self! (I am cheap, ain't I?)
Heck, you got me hungry. I've only had a couple of apples and a bowl of steamed veggies today. Call me and let me know when we hooking up for your birthday dinner. That ish is on ME. You heard me!!!? (DANG! Don't let me say that too loud! The Triple F Possee might be listening!)
Really though.
I *heart* my Triple F possee. They MIGHT let me get a snow crab. Note: 1 snow crab leg. LOL!!!
Yo, hit me up on IM or call me, you SKEEZER!!!
Damn...I actually remember Finesse & Synquis...
ReplyDeleteGuess that makes me an oldgirl too huh???
Hey wait...don't answer that [LOL]
Hope you have a great weekend ladylee!!!
I don't remember that group either! Why? B/c me and Southern Gal are just THIRTY! LOL! And I'm really mad b/c I didn't get no mac n cheese when I went to the Watershed...
ReplyDeleteOMG! that mac n cheese is soooooo gooooood! I have not been to the Shed in a minute....Ima have to go real soon...catfish, collards, macncheese...mmmm mmm mmmm.
ReplyDeleteYou are on my "to Call" list when I get to the ATL! We are hanging and you are showing me your town. Yep I have seen enough to know I love it there!
Good for you with your financial freedom possee!
Bringing back memories...LOL! Too much!
ReplyDelete*Lee lifts eyes skyward and squints against the afternoon sun*
**The overexcitement of it all causes LadyLee to pass out in the middle of the street**
Thanks Celie:)
@Ms. Behaving...
You's an Oldgirl! Don't fool with these younguns who don't know good music!! LOL!!!
I had a great weekend. Hope you do to.
You and Southern Black Gal need to get off of Lil' Wayne's jock! You are over 30 and are full grown womens.
Listen to some full grown music!
@The Good Nurse!!
Good Nurse, good Nurse! Where have you been. You LURKER.
Last time I talked to you, you were at the Watershed, hollering about "Call me back!" and smacking on some catfish!
Hope all is all well with you! You know, your girl Celie is in town! HOOOOOORAAAAAAY!!!!!
Shoot, Lovebabz, I don't know about hanging out. I might pass out if I meet you. YOU PUT IT DOWN ON YOUR BLOG EVERYDAY LAST WEEK.
I am shocked and in awe at the "REAL TALK". It was TOOOOOO GOOOD!!!