The Republicans played a serious card today, do you hear me?
I mean, they had five Aces in their hand. And they threw all that ish down.
I myself DID NOT expect for the Republican Party to pick a woman for the vice president nominee.
So, I can breathe a sigh of relief. I can vote for McCain. Afterall, there's a woman running mate.
Yeah right.
I don't care if she is a woman. Whatever. I will still be a responsible voter and continue to study everybody's record and let the chips fall where they may.
This is some serious politics at it's best. And probably the reason I can't stand politics. It's all a game, and I just don't want to play.
There are a large amount of toss up votes at stake, however. And the key is to appeal to the toss up votes.
Let's see, there are a bunch of pissed off women out there who were Hillary supporters. Sara Palin is a HUGE worm on the hook to hook them in. She's a working class woman with 5 kids. That DEFINITELY has the Moms.
What else? She was raised by blue collar parents. That takes care of that demographic. You know, working class white folks want NO parts of Obama.
She just gave birth to a downs syndrome baby back in April. That takes care of all the voters concerned with disability issues.
Her oldest son is about to be deployed to Iraq. That takes care of some to the war dissenters. (Remember, McCain has two sons fighting in Iraq, so ya'll can't holler about that.)
Downside: Joe Biden is going to whop her arse in the Vice presidential debates. And rightfuly so.
Another downside: Republicans can stop hemming and hawwing about Obama not having experience. Shut the hell up with all that noise ya'll making, because it don't matter now now this chick is in the mix... Don't nobody know anything about her, and she has been govenor of Alaksa for less than two years. Although, she ran up into that office and left bodies laying all around, i.e., she is a bit crazy about stomping out folks...
They don't call her "Sarah Barracuda" for nothing.
Yep... They shook up the game with that. Even stunned the media with this one. The media isn't even focusing on Obama's acceptance speech last night as of now.
Obama has his work cut out for him. And he's run such a polished campaign that I'm sure he will work it all out.
So... if you weren't interested in McCain as our next president before, are you interested now that he has a female, blue collar hockey Mama as his running mate??
Is the choice THAT easy?
I had to post this somewhere. I need to be rich so I can think like Republicans. Dude that sits across from me at work (a Republican) is on the phone RIGHT NOW telling somebody why he thinks it was a smart move by the party. HE SAYS now you have balance...McCain and Biden have the age and experience (he just compared McCain to BIDEN) and you've got youth with this new chick and Barack....That she dresses the part and talks the talk of the young folks. Lawd I need more money and less melanin to think like that.
ReplyDelete@Diva (in demand)...
ReplyDeleteGirl, that was BRILLIANT move. Nobody (well, except for political bloggers) saw that ish coming. I mean, they killed SEVERAL birds with one stone, and picked up a LARGE amount of swing votes in the process.
Yes, they have balance. And this is basically a "Say what people want to hear" race, as far as I am concerned. Republicans prep their people very well, and she will get up to speed REAL quick.
Did you see her acceptance speech? She said something that concerned me. (Paraphrasing) "I sucessfully broke through the good ol' boy network!" Nobody knew what to say behind that. People eventually cheered and clapped. I KNOW they will pull her to the side and tell her not to say THAT anymore. Afterall, she is a PAWN of the good ol' boy network... and she better recognize it.
Nope, I don't think we would've thought like that. But I would like to shake the hand of the strategist who came up with the plan. He's in it to win it.
Now see...you say smart and I'm wondering (like I usually do) was there anyone in the back of the room at that meeting with their glasses on the table, head in hands, and folder wide open on the table saying "Senator.....you wanna do WHAT????"
ReplyDeleteThe sad part is that while some of us are laughing (cause this hot mess is hilarious) there are people like my co-worker who thinks it's great AND a bunch of white women who now have a "legitimate" excuse not to vote for the black man in the race.
Even if they do get her up to speed...do you really think that she'll hold her on in a debate against Biden considering levels of experience?
yeah I saw it, but what is meant to be will be!
ReplyDeleteI'm not into politics! I hate it to be truthful with ya! Too much bullshyss involved! But something has got to change if not this economy is going to he'll in a hand basket!
Have a great weekend mami
ReplyDeleteThis right here is some mess. God forbin if McSame wins and dies before his term is up, she will take over. That let me know, they were only thinking how they can one up Obama.
My head hurts!
I was so disgusted with that choice I didn't even know what to do with myself. It was such an obvious ploy to appeal to the bitter women still carrying a cross for Hillary. And if they are stupid enough to fall for it I hope they are at least smart enough to never call themselves feminist again.
ReplyDeleteAdd lifetime member of the NRA too!
ReplyDeleteShe is a scary white woman. Any woman toting the republican water leaves a lot to be desired.
Will she take only 80% of the VP pay? In solidarity with working women in American? IF they are even romotely lucky enough to win?
Southern Gal took the words right out of my mouth. What happens if McCain joins the ranks of Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, & Kennedy, will it be too late to call in a pinch hitter?
ReplyDelete@Diva (in demand)...
ReplyDeleteOf course someone was fighting this decision. I'm sure they fought over it. But they know exactly what they are doing, and Sarah Palin just gained McCain A LOT of votes. A WHOLE LOT.
I think she will get trounced by Biden in the debates. However, they have thought of all that. They will prep her WELL. And if she does well... there's gonna be a whole lot of trouble. Remember, they are trying to swipe ALL of Hillary's votes...
@Dreamy's Black Tail...
"Too much bullshyss involved..."
Got that right. I rather just read. I feel like I'm being conned. Tell the Oldgirl what you want the Oldgirl to hear so you can get her vote. HUMPH.
@That Southern Black Gal...
I am worried about McCain because this has all got to be terribly stressful. Very much so. And I hope, God forbid, if he leave up outta here, that she can take the reins of this country and do the darn thing. Strategy is strategy, but dang!
@the Infamous LA...
Chick, I think it is BRILLIANT. I think the only caveat here is that she is Pro-life, and you know, that's gonna piss some women voters off. But she is NRA, a hockey Mama... shoot, they 'bout to give Obama a run for his money.
She's against gay marriage, so she won't be getting that vote.
Heck, if I was the Republicans, I would make her say she is pro-choice and pro-gay... They'll win then, outright...
BABZ!!! Tell us how you REALLY feel!!
Man, I couldn't be her. I will say and do whatever I need to say and do, because if McCain kicks out of here, I AM THE WOMAN! That will be my thought.
They are calling her "Dan Quayle with a Ponytail". Man, I bet this chick is going to step up to the plate, no matter if it is a ploy or not.
Nope, Still Not Interested in McCain!-lololol
ReplyDeleteThis Palin choice is ridiculous to me, to say the least. First of all, as many of you noted, she was chosen mostly because of her gender and age...It's almost like a big F-U to the other demographics that have a voice in this election. Second, while I appreciate progression, to pick a woman only because she's a woman is offensive to all of the other Republican females whose qualifications extend beyond their genetics. Third, while the office of the VP is historically insignificant, D. Cheney has clearly changed that role. The next VP should have experience beyond running a city with 50 employees and a $12M budget.
ReplyDeleteMy gripe has gotten too long...I'm about to blog about this..lol
Hi Lady lee...
ReplyDeleteLong time no blogging. I'm going to get kick started again in a BIG way --so I thought I take a gander at your prized blog:) Sooo happy you wrote about the hypocrites that call themselves "The Moral Majority." Did you see how they in the midst of perpetrating the need to help those po' folks in New Orleans (I'm a native mind you)--that they glossed over the fact that the soccer mom wasn't watching the homefront while her 17 year old was screwing around right under her nose--this burned me up...OH WELL... Let the games begin :) -- I'm starting to blog again just to keep from poppin my cork and cussin' about things like this...
Good to see you crochet too...another one of my "hidden" passions that I'm no good at (ebonics but you get it:). Now you can help me with the bloggin' thing and teach me how to crochet too!
I was just as surprised with his pick.
ReplyDeleteY'all better buckle up it's going to be some ride for Election 08!
I've got one word to describe my feelings about politics: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
ReplyDeleteLee...I'll take NEXT for $500 please [LOL]