I am officially on vacation.

I am OFF!
This is RARE!!
It feels GOOD!!
I turned in my request for leave back in early June sometime. I didn't want ANY issues with some of the more "vacationing" members of our group who basically get to take off any time they please getting in my way of being off. I wanted first dibs on Labor day vacation and I GOT it!!
So yesterday, I was supposed to work a 10 hour day, from about 6:00-4:30 (I get to work at around 5:30 in the morning). My interim boss told me I had too much time in, and I had to leave around 12:30 p.m. This was an issue, as I had to compress all I had to do into half a dayum day.
My regular boss, the Darth Sista, is back from maternity leave, and we were trying to make some corrections to some paperwork for our audit last week. She has that awful lost "deer in the headlight" look, since she's been gone for 3 months. I didn't feel sorry for her. Whatever. I did what I had to do, but uh, she got a pretty blunt email around 11 a.m.
"Look, here's the stuff you want, I got stuff to do in the lab because you know I'm gone for a good week and a half! I AM LEAVING AT 12:30. I wrote everything up, you figure out the formats, blah, blah BLAH."
I know she kicked the hard eye roll after reading that email!!
I wanted to yell "Welcome back to work, Darth Sista!" with the HEAVY foot stomp!
At 12:30 p.m., after cleaning my desk, I stood in the cubicle area I share with so many and yelled...
"Ya'll have a FINE FINE holiday. Have a good one. I'm outta here."
I got a few strange looks.
"Let me tell ya'll something," I continued. I got real loud. "Don't NOBODY call me about nothing. I hope ya'll work it out with the Mass specs [equipment I'm in charge of]. I made sure it was working, so don't nobody bother me!"
I pointed hard at my coworker Hen-Dog, who lives on my street, a few houses down.
"Look here, boy, do not knock on my door. The cats will be staring at you through the window, singing 'Lee said we can't open the door, Hen!' The only way you'll see me is if you squeeze down my chimney. That's IT!!"
Hen talked a little trash. I walked off, singing:
"I'm walking on sunshine... YOOOOO-WAAAAAAAY"
(Yes, I changed up them lyrics).
I stuck my head in several labs and yelled for them to have a FINE holiday.
I was even nice to the old creepy flirty janitor who thinks he still got some rap left. He likes to corner some of us in the halls and elevator and talk game. Dirty ol' man!!
"Where you going, girl? You going to class!?"
I usually work to dodge his rolling garbage can, but I marched straight at him, as he was in front of the elevator I wanted to catch. "NO! I am OFF!!"
"Well you have a good one."
"You too!!"
I almost yelled "You too, you Dirty Ol' Man, you!!"
(Humph. I must blog about my run-ins with that fool.)
I woke up at around 4 or 5 this morning. I got up and IMMEDIATELY started crocheting.
Kentucky came downstairs around 5:45 am. She leaves around 6 in the morning, and she was looking me with the hard side-eye.
"How you gonna be off, and be up so early, Lisa?" she asked as she dragged the ironing board out of the laundry room. "I'd still be in bed."
"I got crocheting to do. Plus I am too EXCITED to just lay in the bed. I am OFF!!"
Kentucky said nothing. Just ironed her clothes. No telling what that gal was thinking.
I've been watching television and trying my hardest to finish this blanket. I took some breaks to do some housecleaning. Yacked on the phone with LadyTee and The Cowgirl Cre. Writing Class starts tonight so I have to get my notebook and a writing sample together to turn in.
But that's about it!!
Maybe I can catch up on some of my posts. I am terribly behind!
But all I know... I am just glad to be OFF!!
Never fear, I will be posting...
Ya'll have a FINE holiday weekend!!
I know I will!!
You just make sure you finish that blanket!
ReplyDelete(I am 5 hours away from being done. It is nice. I may keep it)
I'm mad that I had to come back...and yo a$$ is off. Bah-humbug.
ReplyDeleteFor a week and a half?! I'm jealous.
ReplyDeleteUmmmmm I'M mad at you for standing in the middle of the cube area and HOLLERING. LOL
ReplyDeleteI'm mad that you are off and still got up at early o'clock!
ReplyDelete@The LBeezy...
ReplyDeleteHark! 'Tis another squawking chicken!
I'll give you a pass, girl... I read your post, and you brought back some memories! I know when I see you, you will have my ONE charbroiled oyster in a plastic bag, and my large blackberry lemon snowball from Rodneys on Lake Forest... So I can't be mad at you (better have my stuff, man!)
@that Southern Black Gal...
Don't be jealous Southern Black Gal...Here. Take this Lil' Wayne CD! Feel better now? LOL LOL!!!
@Diva in Demand...
Girl, folks will call me in a heartbeat. "Lee, there's something wrong. It ain't working!" UGGGGGH!! I don't have a real backup person for when I am gone. So I had to make it CLEAR as mud, don't call me!!
They needed to be glad my hollering wasn't lightly sprinkled with words from my Book of Cuss.
@Opinionated Diva...
Oh, I'm still getting up early. I'm just to EXCITED to sleep, lol!!
You have FUN at work, Op. Diva!
Your excited spills over! I am excited and I am not even on vacation! You make me feel like I ought to be!
ReplyDeleteENJOY yourself...YOU DESERVE IT!
LOL! That is so funny. You shoulda busted out some choreography too.
ReplyDeleteI would have, lol
mami i would have been doing a little dance!!!
ReplyDeletei so need a vacay, have the time, but cant afford to take one.
so i will live vicarously through you,lol
im gonna act like i am on vacay right along with you!!!
enjoy your time off mami!!
ReplyDeleteYes, Babz!! Be excited, because I know I am. This is RARE! It feels GOOD! Shoot man, if I was my old self, I'd fire up a blunt and grab a 40 ounce of Crazy Horse! Woo-hooo!!!
@The Infamous LA..
Yeah, I needed some exit music and a fly dance move. Funny, me and Hen had been singing that jacked up song from the last post video It's so cold in the D!" (MUCH to the dismay of the two detroit natives that sit in the cubicle area, lol)...
If me and the coworkers could've kicked the Thriller dance sequence down the hall, it would've been CLASSIC!
@The Dreamy One...
Yes Dreamy, my black tail is OFF! Dont worry, i'm taking enough time off for both of us, Mami!!"
enjoy your weekend!
ReplyDeleteGood for you. I only have the next four days off and I'm excited. Enjoy it.
ReplyDeleteTaking a vacation.....I like that in you OG; didn't think you had it in you as a matter of fact! ;-b
ReplyDeleteI am off for 4 days and when I go back to work on Tuesday, my new boss will be in The Lou to work with me....Oh JOY!
You enjoy yourself babysis and do a whole lotta thangs I would never do!
Oh, and while you're at it, give that baby OG Serenity my best and all my love when you go to her housewarming if indeed you will be attending...I wish I was close enough or financially flush enough to go but this Thanksgiving Cruise of a Lifetime **84 days and counting** with the fam has a sistah checking the couch cushions for extra coin!!
Have a great vacay OG nobody deserves to more than you do! :-)
I enjoy how you take us along with the conversation and description.