Ready to crank up a new week?
I am!!
(No, I haven't been drinking too much coffee. I ain't high either. Just glad my audit crap at work is over, and we can all return to being calm).
Nothing but randomness today, just to get me started...
My weekend. This was a slow weekend. The only reason I left the house was to go get some medicine. That's IT.

Humph. I don't care. And if it happens again, he'll be bringing his behind right on about to giggle the wire again. I ain't touching a doggone thang!
Somebody remind me to switch to Comcast because I am sick of DirecTV.
Kentucky gave me a pedicure on Saturday night. I've been a crocheting fool, camped out on the couch, trying my BESTEST to finish up Serenity's blanket for next Saturday's housewarming...
The convo was interesting.
"What color you want on your toes, Lisa?"
"Dark red."
"I don't have that. How about pink?"
"You want a french manicure?"
"Do you want a design? Some little flowers?"
"Hell NO!"

I know I got on her nerve, though, with my yipping and yapping.
"Kentucky, you pulling my big toe too hard! Whatchu trying to do, break it?"
"Gal, do you know what you doing?"
"Are your pedicure tools clean? Because I don't want any of your toe jam fungus near me."
"Watch Kramer! He looks like he's about to jump in the water bath!!"
"DO NOT let anything splash up on my white furniture!!"
Humph. I don't know if she's going to do my nails again. I know I wrecked her nerves good fashioned!
But free is good. I will make her do it again in a couple of weeks!
I missed a Financial Freedom Fighters meeting on Sunday. My gang leader called and was like "Lee, you gonna make your meeting?" I hemmed and hawwed about not knowing. So I know I am in trouble. Wonder what the punishment will be. I mean, I just didn't know. I had a couple of questions about a debt that I have. I was even thinking about it on Saturday, wondering when we'd have a meeting.
Humph. No excuses! I need to buy a calendar! My social schedule is getting ridiculous, lol!!
I'll be there next month, Tiffy D!! I surely will...
Olympics. The Olympics is over. Now, we can get back to our regular programming...
There were a lot of events I liked, among them, that Synchronized swimming. That was something else...
It don't look all that hard.
Attention, 2nd 68 Blog harem!! What's up, ladies?
Check it out! Meet me at the swimming pool behind King 2nd 68's palace today! We gonna start practicing! I think we can compete in the 2012 London games!
Man up, ya'll! We can do anything if we put our minds to it!
Presidential Election. President Obama finally picked his running mate, Senator Joe Biden.
Joe Biden talks plenty of trash. That's all I know. Wonder how that's gonna work out? I have banned myself from ALL political TV lately, since it thoroughly depresses me. I MAY have a look at this Democratic convention. I WILL watch the debates. That's it. Anything else is a bunch of mindless whining and speculation about who said what and how they held their mouth when they said it.
Must be nice to have that to whine about! Doggonit, there are people out here who are having trouble making ends meet. I wish they would talk about THAT!
Video of the week: Courtesy of That Southern Black Gal...
Yeah, uh... you make your own mind up about this one.
Yeah, I can't get that hook out of my head. Thanks alot, Southern Black Gal. HUMPH!!
That's it for me... Have a nice day:)
Hello Sister!
ReplyDeleteAhh you are in rare form!
I just wanted to come by and say thank you for your kind words. I am reposting things from last year. I am not gone. I am still working on what to do next. I remain connected to the blogging community that I love.
Again thank you for coming by and being ever so thoughtful and supportive.
Okay...all that's fine and good but...I just got one thing! Why you gotta let it rain while I'm in Georgia? Nikki damn near floated away! This ain't rain, its torrential downpouring. You're a need to put an end to this - and I mean now, 'cause I know that you got it like that.
ReplyDeleteI fully support submitting a synchronized swimming team from the Independent Kingdom of 68! Y'all would look seriously hott!!! Winning might not be bad either!
ReplyDeleteYou can switch to Comcraptastic if you dare! But I won't be reminding you because I don't wanna be blamed for what happens!
LMAO @ you ant the pedi! Were it me, I might have strangled you into unconsciousness and you would have awakened to the first french pedi that used pink polish and daisies painted on the big toes!
l.m.a.o.@that video. i thought i had responded to it on gal's blog but evidently i lost it. DANG.
ReplyDeleteanyway, so you got the cute toes? that means you can volunteer with me this weekend! YOU CAN DO IT!
sorry for the no call yesterday. as terry said, i damn near floated away yesterday. it was wonodem days. you really REALLY need to post photos of the afghan.
ReplyDeletehey, we all go through a rough patch. The operative word is "go through". You'll get through it. You surely will.
So repost 'til your hearts content... I am a new reader and it is all new to me...
You alright with me, Babz.
You sho nuff is, chile.
@Terry, in his cheap WET seat...
Sang wit me, TERRY! SANG!!!
It so rainy in the ATL!
How the hell Terry 'spose to smoke his expensive cigars?
What's all on the White man's mind,
Tryna smoke and drank the wine!!
I can see your hair plastered to the side of your head from all that water!!!
You must be on the East side because they swimming over that ways!!
You're not in LA anymore! Not a palm tree in sight!!!
I can't believe you and Nikki were out there in the rain! ATL peeps CANNOT drive in the rain! Be careful!!
I ain't putting an end to a daggone thang. I'm sitting up in the comfort of my living room, listening to the whiiiiirrrrr of the ceiling fan, crocheting and sipping a cold glass of lemonade.
Ya'll better get ya'll's butts in the house! How bout that? LOL!!!!
Uhhhh... enjoy your stay!!!
@King 2nd 68...
Us concubines need to get out the house, get some fresh air and some excerise. You floating out in the pool all day, sipping a cold drank... Get out of the way so we can practice.
Southern Black Gal's gonna hook up a routine for us, to some Lil' Wayne tunes, of course.
Comcrastic? Man, Directv is TRIPPING. I need to start my own cable company. HUMPH!!
Man, I'm a tomboy. I would've kicked Kentucky's behind GOOD FASHION if she would've DARED to do such a thing. Plain pedicure with a deep rose/burgundy polish only. She got away with a candy apple red, which unnerved me, but would have to do. I will supply my own polish next time!
ATLien Nikki...
I was like, she can come over if she want to, but uh... I hope she don't float off in the flash floods... We'll hook up soon, girl!!
I ain't volunteering for JACK!!! Only way you see me is if Miss Celie is out there, and that chick is back up in Jersey!! You have fun, child! Make sure you have a swell time! I'm sure you will tell me all about it!
I'ma be up in Charlotte at the Serenity Extravaganza! I'll be thinking about you!!
I'll post pics of the blanket next week for sure!
Yes I will come up with the routine because I can't swim. I got the perfect song. Just heard it today. Swagger Like Mine by TI, JayZ, Kanye, and Lil Wayne.
ReplyDeleteJust when I get the chorus out of my head, you post the video. I told 68 and Freaky, they need to get their little cousins especially the one with the matching hair and jacket.
hello mami, making my black tail around this peace!! lol
ReplyDeleteumhhh i dont know about this swimming thing. and you know 68 gonna be looking staring all our sexyness in the suits
that would just make his day,lol
yeah i think you shouldnt be jiggling nothing either. thats what men are for,lol
hope you had a great weekend.
love ya mami!!!
I'm going to stomp all of Southern Gal's Lil Wayne CDs for her infecting the blogosphere with that damn video.
ReplyDeleteThink of Comcast like a really bad and retarded child. If you don't have the patience to deal with that then Comcast is not the company for you. No ma'am.
lmao @ that sad...still hilarious though!
ReplyDeleteComcast is craptastic. Luv their commercials though...the slowski's crack me up!
I can swim...but only in shallow water...tee hee! lol
Ummmm excuse I BUT if that synchronized swimming does NOT look hard to you or anybody else in the room then I must need some damn glasses A.S.A.P.!!! LOL
ReplyDeleteSaw that vid over @ Southern Gal's spot.
Pure comedy [I tell you!!!] PURE FRIGGIN' COMEDY!!!
The pedicure session was a hoot. You crazy girl!
ReplyDeleteThat video made me forget everything you talked about in the post...Is that some kind of subliminal message to Kwane K.?