Most of that is because I am terribly longwinded.
But alas, I am who I am, and that's all I can be.
I'm your friendly neighborhood Oldgirl, LadyLee.
Anyway, I thought I'd do a "Food for Thought"/Randomness this morning, and then we will get back to all things Smurfy... I was thinking about doing this every Monday morning off the top of my head, just to wake myself up, to let you know what I'm pondering, and to get the "goo" out of my thoughts. (No, my thoughts aren't always smurfy.)
My Weekend:I had a very nice slow weekend, which means I didn't leave the house. I cleaned out my closet and bagged up old clothes for Good Will, worked HARD on S30's blanket (which is due August 30 for her Housewarming), did a little reading and writing, and

even spoke with Racer X (which freaked me out, as always. But I calmed myself down, lol)
I, Speedracer, am proud of you, Racer X! Really Proud! THAT phone convo made me a HAPPY Oldgirl. I need to talk to that broad every day, because I always write very ferociously afterwards. LOL!
My songs for August: Lover's Holiday by Change. I've been looking for this song for a VERY long time. Finally downloaded it out of Amazon this weekend. Change is the group Luther Vandross was with before "Luther" was "LUTHER". That's him singing in the chorus.
I love that song... Makes me want to stand up on my desk early this Monday morn and spin around and around like I'm at Studio 54 disco. (Yeah right!).
"Sexy Mama" by The Moments. I loved this song when I was little. It was a little riske, and I can't believe my Mama let me run around singing this doggone song. We were listening to the lyrics and there was some discussion about a certain line. It was one of those things where I had to lean back and yell, "Come here a minute, Hen-Dog!!". Thanks for clearing the lyrics up for us, dude!
The gist of that song is over in like, 3 minutes. I don't know why dude has to hem and haw and moan for another 5 minutes. They must've been drunk or high that night in the studio. Humph.
Come to Jesus: Serenity30 mentioned the whole phenomena of a "Come to Jesus" meeting last week. I didn't know what she was talking about, and didn't ask. However, the inquistive LBeezy asked her, and she said that it was a meeting that you have with a friend, where the two of you sit down and say all the hard stuff that nobody wants to hear. All the issues are laid out on the table and discussed, and there will probably be many many tears.

I rarely say anything to any of my friends unless they expressly ask what my opinion is on a matter. I'm not the type to say "If I was you, I would blah, blah, blah..." No, that ain't me. However, I do ask a BUNCH of questions.
I remember saying, shoot, I need a "Come to Jesus" meeting my doggone self... I have had a few this year, although I didn't know what it was.
Someone has had one with me recently.
Thanks blogger Believer64. You straightened this Oldgirl out. Nothing like a nice pat on the back, a swift kick to the throat, followed by a good hug, followed by a kick in the grill, followed by another hug.
Thanks for our internet "Come to Jesus" meetings, girl...
My Post of the week: From a new blog I've been perusing La's La Bella Vita. I just love this girls writing to death. Very brash, very wry, and in your face. And I think she is ATLien.
The best Post I read last week ws from her: "In Due Time" . An interesting "Come to Jesus" meeting she had in her truck. To me, this is the GIST of what a relationship with God is all about, nice and unorthodox, no frills, no fluff, and out the box. No religious peeps standing around judging you, just you and God having some alone time, you crying and snot flying, some mind blowing revelation going forth... Loved-ed it. That's REAL TALK right there.
Poem of the Month (July): I'm not big on poetry, but I love a nice poem, and Terry's Something You Know is quit nice. Terry gets all sensitive from the cheap seats!
Quote of the month: (And this one has stayed on my mind every day since I read it)
from Aunt Jackie's 2830 post Champion(s):
"...although I could complain, I won't. My worst days are probably better than some people's best, and for that I am truly grateful, and that alone makes me a Champion. Not my bank account, not my job title, not my accoutruments[sic], but the fact that my life is blessed and I am able to recognize it."
That's what's real.
And finally, wanted to leave you with something I wrote, either from my personal tomes, or from something I wrote to a friend in an email, etc...
Best thing I wrote last week: Something I wrote to one of my bookclub sistas who really likes my blog. We were having a personal discussions about a few of my isshas.
"You know, I love my blog... I have over 400 stories on there, and I look back at those, and that is only maybe 10% of my "life stuff" life has been very full, and very fulfilling, and if I left here tomorrow, I could say that I have LIVED. And have enjoyed life."
I was thinking about doing a Food for Thought on that. I may still do it. I have some interesting things to say (and clarify) in that statement. So, uh, watch out.
Best thing someone has said about me recently: Serenity30 called me "a wise person" in one of her posts. Goodness, that's a lot coming form Little Miss Therapy herself. She said she was going to mention me in a post. I said, goodness no, because your peeps will be falling over here, and we are non-therapeutic over in THIS camp, i.e., we likes to keeps it smurfy, lol.
Amazes me when someone takes something I say to heart. And it unnerves me when someone has something good to say about me. I guess because while I was growing up, I was made to feel like I wasn't good enough. Trying to get past that, all these yares and yares later, as old as I am.
Shoot. That's some ol' food for thought in it's ownself. I mean, i think VERY highly of ME. I've always liked me, am satisfied with me, and all that. Just makes me pause when someone says something nice about me. I guess because I don't work for such comments, I only work on being content with me. Man, we can go on, on and on with that.
No more hemming and hawwing!!
I will go forward, and keep it moving!
The new LadyLee Blog mantra:
"At the House of LadyLee, We Keeps it Smurfy"
Have a good week... on purpose.
ladylee u are wonderful! U always inspire me and when I get down on life or beat myself up u say somthing that makes sense!
ReplyDeleteI am so happy to know u!
And yes I have always been the one having those meeting with friends or co-worker! It made me realize what my purpose is! And when I fall short of the stick u and the rest are here for me.
Thanks for embracing me w/o even really knowing me! Have a great day, sorry for getting all Smurfy on ya, LOL
i don't mind you keeping it smurfy up in here, just make sure gargamel ain't nowhere around trying to smash up the joint.
ReplyDeletereally though, this entry is great! i love the highlights you have there from other folks blogs. made for some inspiring reading. :)
Smurfy...that;s good.
ReplyDeleteI had a Come To Jesus meeting with myself not to long again.
ReplyDeleteI like the smurfiness.
"Most of that is because I am terribly longwinded." - puhleeez... now honey, I'M longwinded. In fact, I'm STILL writing my current blog as I post a comment here. Now that's what you call, keeping it smurfy! ;)
ReplyDeleteI absolutely adore you and I adore this blog! The way you write is so like knowing you that I can't begin to tell you how much fun it actually is ;) You are still my favorite blogger of all time and if blogging had not brought me all the amazing things it has, just getting to have this amazing friendship with you would have been plenty! Now how's that for keeping it smurfy up in here....
ReplyDeleteSmurfy is good when it's done your way. ;-) I love your writing, and though you may not always talk about YOU, we still get a sense, a small glimpse of you through your writing...didn't know that did you? Ha! ;-)
ReplyDelete@Dreamy... My new blogging buddy, keep doing what you do over at the House of Dreamy! And you do get down with the "Come to Jesus" meetings. It's a trip reading about those at your spot!
ReplyDelete@ATLien Nikki... Leave it up to you to talk about Gargamel... I'm talking about the smurfy episode where the smurfs are singing and doing the mean running man... LOL!!
@Southern Black Gal...Ain't nothing like a good Come to Jesus meeting with oneself!
@Terry...I'ma do that, and leave the hard stuff to YOU.
@Frank aka Luke Cage aka Urban Knight... Man! That is what's wearing me down: long posts. If I could come up with some short ones? I'd be rolling. This post here looks like it was 3 posts in 1. But Frank, you ARE longwinded, even moreso than me. I see your stuff and be like, I will read this during lunch- This ain't quick! LOL!!
@That Original Oldgirl Sharon... Uh, Microphone Queen, that was a bit TOO smurfy! LOL!! Thanks for the kind words. You always have something nice to say about me... Now why is that??? I think that is a big sister requirement or something. Yeah, that's it, that's it!! LOL
@Kayla... a glimpse of me through my writing. That's a good thang!!! You've been hanging since the very beginning Kayla... thanks for your support and the kind words.
That's one of the reasons I heart your blogspot ---> cuz you stays keepin' it smurfy!! [LOL]
ReplyDeleteLove the randomness of this post! :-)
I luv La...she is one of the realest bloggers out there.
ReplyDeleteIt makes me smile, everytime I read about you keeping it "smurfy"! lol...great random food for thought post!
"Come to Jesus" meeting?! Yep, I'd say our Internet meetings have helped me tremendously as well. You certainly know how to spell out the truth and share a wealth of wisdom.
ReplyDeleteIt's amazing how God has allowed a safe place for us to communicate and marinate on the dialogue. I always finish our conversations full and wanting more. They're deep and get to the crux of the matter. It's definitely a time of getting stuff uncovered and keeping it real!
All the while Jesus is invited, and stays long after to help us sort it out.
Thanks for being a conduit of love, hope, and friendship in Christ!