I was laying in bed around 8:30 p.m. last night, watching television and crocheting. I have no idea what I was watching, and I should not have been laying down crocheting (because I REALLY mucked it all up and kept having to throw away squares)
When all of a sudden I hear
A HUGE explosion occurred down the street.
A split second later, all power went dead.
*a moment of silence*
*Lee laying stark still on the bed, eyes shifting left and right*
When the lights didn't come back on in a few seconds-
LadyLee: *leaping from bed like she'd been bit by something*
"Yooooooo!! Nooooooooooooo!" I yelled. Uh, I have no idea why I was yelling. I walked into the kitchen, kept hollering. Then, I figured that wasn't the best idea.
LadyLee: "Kentuuuuuuckkkkkkky" [my sister].
Kentucky: "Yes, Lisa?"
I swear. That girl is soooo doggone calm. This irked me to no end.
LadyLee: "The lights is off!!!!! *I hurl my crochet needle at that cat Kramer. He scrambled for cover.* "UGGGGGGGGGGGH! AAAAAAARRRRGH"
Kentucky: *silence*
LadyLee: "I can't believe this! AAAAAAAARRRRRGH!!! I have stuff to do!!!"
Kentucky: "It's alright, Lisa."
I was glad that she wasn't standing there next to me. She was upstairs in her room. I would've pushed her if she was near me. She is soooo doggone calm.
I headed for the cordless phone in the kitchen. couldn't use them. Got even madder when I remembered that I'd thrown away my bootleg wall phone.
LadyLee: "Kentucky, dial up my cell phone. I don't know where it is!"
She dials it. There is no answer.
LadyLee: *wails out of control*
LadyLee: "Gimme your phone, girl!"
Kentucky came downstairs and gave me her phone. I sat down on the sofa and called Georgia Power. I couldn't get a human, only a machine. They said that the power would be back on by 11:30 p.m.
Kentucky came back downstairs with a stylish tote bag.
LadyLee: "Where are you going?"
Kentucky: "Nowhere." She sat down at the dining room table and pulled her laptop out of her tote. "I have homework to do, and it's too dark upstairs."
That was the right answer. She would've gotten tackled if she tried to leave me sitting there in the dark.
I peaked through the window blinds. There were people out in the street. I don't like going outside, because I am not the most neighborly chick, but I got real nosy. Of course my wonderful neighbors Paul and Stan were outside. I decided to talk to them.
Lee: "Yo, what happened!?"
Stan: "Hiya LadyLee!!"
*I kicked the hard eyeroll. I did NOT feel like talking to these dudes!*

I didn't hear anything else he said. I walked back in the house.
LadyLee: "Got dog. That Stan talk too much. I asked dude a simple question, he gotta come up with more!"
Kentucky: "You know, they've probably been calling Geo.rgia Power. Those light's will be on in no time."
She was probably right. But I didn't want to hear it.
I peaked through the blinds again. Every negro in the world was down on the corner. This is the usual deal, as the prostitutes and drug dealers, and the "police lookout people" hang out down there. So naturally I thought some mess went down.
A year ago, a dude named Bird was shot on that corner. I heard later from the Mayor of my neighborhood Snake that Bird was part of a check fraud scheme and wasn't splitting up the money right. (Snake proceeded to lecture me on the need for honesty between conspirators when running schemes. *crickets*). I remember when my neighbor Tiny came to get me so we could go be nosy about that situation. I grabbed my camera (because you KNOW I was going to get a picture), and we walked down there. By that time, the body was gone, and all the Law and Order looking detectives were swarming around. We split after that.
But I decided not to walk down to the corner. It was getting dark.
And I was still walking around the house... hollering.
The sun had already set, and it was around 9:00, which means it was dark. I had no idea where the candles were, and wasn't about to look for any.
I remembered a box of tealight candles my Auntie Joyce had given to me a couple of Christmas' ago. I lit all 12 of them and sat them around the kitchen, dining room and living room (all one big great room in my little house, lol). My place looks REALLY cool in the candlelight.
Kentucky pecked away on her laptop. I stretched out on the couch. I was all hollered out.
Kentucky and I talked for awhile. We discussed a couple of issues. And you know me, I ask a BUNCH of questions just to see where your head is at.
We were loooong overdo for a "Big sista to little sista" talk. That was quite nice.
So out of darkness....
Came the marvelous light.
I closed my eyes for a moment. I heard my sister say
"Lisa, the lights are back on!"
"No they are not!", I yelled.
"Yes they are."
I heard the air conditioner kick back on. A faint glow of light peeked out of my bedroom.
I jumped up so fast that I scared the cats, lol.
"We got light!!!" I yelled. "Let there be light!!! Wooooo-hooooooo!"
Kentucky went back up upstairs. I headed back into my room.
We need more light "drama", though.
So my baby sister and I can bond once again.
I love you dearly. You KNOW this. But you mad as a hatter! I just wanted you to know that...
ReplyDeleteAnd good that you got to bond.
@2nd 68... I am NOT crazy, lol. Let's just say, the last time a transformer blew in my neighborhood (1993 during an ice storm), we had no power for 3 whole days. I think I was wailing over the prospects of THAT more than anything.
ReplyDeleteThe power was back on in an hour's time. Shoot, if I would've known that it would have been THAT quick, I wouldn't have wailed, and the cat wouldn't have got hit in the head with the crochet needle (yeah, I am a bit... mad). LOL!!!
LOL...girl you are crazy! LOL I'm glad you and Kentucky got a chance to bond, though. And THANK YOU so much for your comment to my post yesterday. You got it more than anyone!
ReplyDeleteokay, why was i sitting here thinking "please let the lights stay off for a while so lee can talk to her sister"?
ReplyDeletei've found that when the power goes out, folk are forced to communicate with each other. i think in my next relationship, i'm gonna demand that one night of the week there is no power in the house. just candles and conversation.
Great idea Nikki.
ReplyDeleteI bet Kentucky enjoyed the convo as much as you did.
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome! (Come on and join the Ph.D. club, girl!!)
@ATLien Nikki...
No, Ma!! Those lights had better come back on because we were sitting there also contemplating going to a hotel! LOL!! But I am glad we had a short talk.
And that one night a week with no power. That's a great idea right there.
@That Southern Black Gal...
Nikki is a frickin' genius ain't she!?! I shoulda thought of that when I was married. HUMPH!!
I suppose Kentucky enjoyed our little talk. I know I did.
Ever since we had that blackout that lasted forever and a day, I get a bit antsy whenever I see lights flicker. If they go off then I'm going to nut up.
ReplyDeleteI'm new around here so I'm assuming you and your sister needed some talky time? Glad you got it.
See what the darkness brings to light?
ReplyDeleteA few years back we lost power for 4 days. I was not a happy camper. I had two sick kids on amoxicillan. You have to keep that stuff cold. The county gave out flash lights and ice chests. It was so bad.
ReplyDeleteSo I feel you about being in the dark. It ain't no fun. We ran out of things to talk about and games to play with the kids about a day and a half into the blackout.
Hey Nikki! If the next man ain't interested, and there is a bottle of wine or two, you could pencil me in as a stand in!
ReplyDeleteAnd Lee, I didn't say that you were crazy I just said that you were a little mad... But that ain't unattractive...
Ladylee, lord you are something else
ReplyDeleteyou aint had to be doing all that hollering, lord is you were my sister I would have been like you need to calm down honey.
but since its your house i guess i would have to think about it,lol
anywho I am happy them light came on and you had a chance to talk to your sissy boo!!
ReplyDeleteSee Freaky, I think we see eye to eye on that right there. Nothing worse than unexpected outage.
Sis and I talk but we are both busy and very private, so girly discussions are VERY rare.
@That Original Oldboy Hassan...
Yes sir, I see, I see, You Assessment Master!
@The BBall Mama...
4 days?? WOW. My power was out for about 3 days back in 1993. I think after about 4 hours, I called my aunt. She lived on the West side and they had lights. I hauled ass to her house and crashed on her sofa for three days! Goodness!
No fun being in the dark! And you had sick kids! UGGH!!!
LOL @ "you need to calm down honey."
Heck no!!! It was dark! Me and you would've been fighting down.
You shoulda heard my sister... she busts out with, "Lisa, I need to iron. I wonder if I go to the hotel down the street if they would let me iron something real quick." LOL!!!
There was much discussion about getting a room 1/2 a mile away down by the Braves stadium. Luckily we didn't have to do all that!!
I'm the same way. The lights go out and I have to check every light switch in the house. Stoopid, I know. You may not be crazy, but you are def. funny! Please keep writing about Bird, Snake & the gang! You could be like Elmore Leonard!