It feels just like yesterday that this year began...
And in a few hours, it will be history.
I glance back over my year, and no, I don't have any major accomplishments. Well, maybe I do, but honestly, if nothing jumps to mind immediately, then that means that it wasn't major or life altering.
But, I must admit that I did learn a few things in 2008.
Learned is not the proper word, though.
Things that I learned where basically things I already knew...
But now I truly understand them.
For "knowing" a thing has to do with what's in your head...
"Understanding" stems from what's rooted in your heart.
There is an earth-shattering difference between the two.
Now, while I was lounging on the sofa scribbling out my "understandings" on a scratch piece of paper last night, my best friend LadyTee called to talk.
I asked her what she'd learned in 2008. I thought I would include her list, since it is short.
LadyTee's 2008 Points of Light, lol.
1. Needy people are always in need. This does not include people who need a helping hand, because everyone needs a helping hand from time to time. I'm talking about people who, when you do for them, it is never enough. They are NEVER satisfied. You can give them a million dollars and tomorrow? They're gonna need SOMETHING. It never fails.
2. You have to prioritize your life. It's all about priorities.
3. Your life is VERY important and VERY short. Therefore, live life to the fullest because it can be gone in the blink of an eye.
Those are very good points of life. We spent a moment talking about each.
Now, on to my Understandings. Much stuff happened this year. I am probably the most intangible person on the planet, so material stuff don't phase me (that much). The type of stuff I am speaking of is things that reinforced who I am and why I am the way I am.
There were a plethora of situations that happened that changed the way that I think about things.
1. If I pray about things, a path to the solution will open up. It's up to me to walk out that path. The thing is, I find that I will either walk it out, or stand off to the side digging around in the bushes like some crazy drunk man.
2. I better be real clear about what I allow to rent space in my mind.
Ponder the following scripture: Proverbs 4:23 (NCV) Be careful what you think, because your thoughts run your life.
Another version: (NIRV) Above everything else, guard your heart. It is where your life comes from.
(Ya'll can go ponder the King James version, but I need versions that bite me in the butt.)
Again, I better be REAL clear about what I allow to rent space in my mind. Really though.
3. There's a difference between what's important and what's NOT important. I have found, especially this year, that matters which are truly important to me can fit in a matchbox, while things that are NOT important to me can fit in the trailer of an 18 wheeler.
4. There's a razor sharp difference between me doing things from my heart and me doing things for the approval for others. I tend to judge a good bit of my action based on these two. This was a year that, if there was even an inkling of me doing something YOU wanted me to do, well, I simply didn't do it. And I wasn't going to tell you I wasn't going to do it. I simply made myself scarce. (Yeah, that got me in some trouble this year. SO WHAT? I'm grown, and this ain't high school, i.e., I am NOT seeking your approval.)
5. An emergency on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part. Shoot man, I am barely prepared for my own emergencies. If there's a problem with that, then I just paid a very small price to rid you from my life (And I am talking a VERY small price).
6. I understand now that everything in life I hope, dream and have faith for can happen in the very next breath. Likewise, everything I dread and fear can happen in the very next breath. (So... this goes screeching back to my #2 above).
7. I have learned that I have to be honest with myself. I mean brutally honest. No, I may not like what I see, or I may not solve the issha, but at least I KNOW what's up, and I'm not lying to myself. At least I can start praying about the darn thing, and working towards changing.
Those are the 7 things I understand this year.
Hope I didn't sound like an Angry Oldgirl. No, didn't mean to. These are my personal truths for 2008, going into 2009. And they answer the timesless question:
Are you yourself... or are you who others think you should be?
Hmmm... ponder that quietly to yourself. Can you answer that question truthfully? Are you judging your life based on what someone else is doing? Is it even sane to do that? Hmmm.
I am truly thankful for 2008.
I am here.
I am breathing.
The blood is running warm through my veins.
What did you learn, or should I say, truly understand in 2008?
#2 and #7 hit home for me. I worry over things that I shouldn't. Hopefully I can get this under control going forward. I did answer your question on my own blog in a post. It wouldn't all fit here. LOL
ReplyDelete#7 hit me in the face like a brick.
ReplyDeleteHAPPY NEW YEAR Lee!!!
@S30... and you were a bit long-winded over at the House of Serenity with that answer, weren't you?
I know you're on the road soon... You have a happy new year and safe trip, girl.
@Southern Black Gal...
Ain't nothing like a brick to the grill, chile. Nothing like it. That one hits me like a brick too.
Have a happy New Year, hon.
Girl, you got a sister thinking for the 08/09. I like that. 1, 6, and 7 are biggies for me. I will be blogging about this and other things later. Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteIt wasn’t negative. It was insightful. It probably felt negative because you had to deal with negative situations to get your understanding.
ReplyDeleteYou didn't sound angry, just learned or refreshed yourself with information. What I learned? I learned that life is too short, so find something that makes you happy and go full steam ahead accomplishing it.
ReplyDelete@Veronica... I bet I had at least one thing in there that everyone could relate to. I'll come over and check out what you post!
ReplyDelete@Green Eyed 'Monster'... What's with the monster moniker, Green Eyed bandit? LOL.
You know, for me, anything left of smurfy scrapes against being negative. You know?
I just had some crazy stuff happen with several people, that help me locate myself, that's all. I myself also did some STOOPID stuff that made me want to pimp slap myself VERY hard.
"Refreshed". I like that word!
I agree with what you learned in 2008. The older I get, the more I understand that.
You're always putting stuff out there that makes me want to delve deeper, and for that, I thank you!
ReplyDeleteI remember being taught the differences between wisdom and understanding, and how we need to pray for both.
Believer is doing her thing! I have come to realize that being obedient under God's plan, no matter how grueling the process has bonuses in the mix. While growing up this year, I have found that freedom is mine, and I'm walking in it. Alleluia!
Wow Old Gal...You never cease to amaze.
ReplyDelete#'s 2 and 4 rang soundly with me.
Actually I'm kinda diggin' all of them.
You're definitely a thought provoker --Naw, why don't I say what I really mean and start the year out right...
I'll be stealing your subject matter and using it on my blog...
and that says a lot about you -- :)
Happy '09
The past and future do not exist. All I have is right now.
ReplyDeleteWe're here for a good time, not a long time.
Happy New Year!
are you yourself?!
ReplyDeletethats a million dollar question. there are so many people struggling trying to be what others have determined they should be.
my goal for this year is to do ME! if you dont like me then oh well. im not compromising with myslef.
Great post. Thanks for the insight.