It wasn't always that way. She's 11 years younger than me. I notice young people have a one track mind. And if you're not on that track, THEIR track, then something is wrong with you. And I know, nothing is wrong with me.
She's about to turn 30, and she understands that big sister knows a little something about life. So over the past couple years we can have good meaningful talks.
And funny ones, too...
She called me up this past week, giving me the goings-ons in the family. (I'm like a UFO when it comes to family. Kentucky is the family diplomat). Then she got over into some of her activities. I was laid out across the bed, enjoying the whir of the ceiling fan, and listening to her chat on about things.
Then she started talking about one of my favorite sangers.
"Lisa, Sade is coming to town."
"Yeah. She's going to be down at the Phillips Arena."
I love some Sade.
Every since I first heard her in high school, some 26 or 27 years ago...
Can't believe she's been around that long.
Some of her songs... "Sweetest Taboo", "Is it a Crime", "Cherish the Day"... they still make me feel some kind of way when I hear them, all these years later.
And I know every word to at least 10 songs!
"You going?" I asked my sister.
"Tickets are sixty-eight dollars."
"That's a lot, girl," I said. "And you were only 3 or 4 years old when she came out. I was in high school. You don't remember her like I do."
"That's the nosebleed section."
"The good seats are going for $550.00."
I sat straight up in bed. "What??"
"They're $550.00, Lisa."
"Five-hundred and fifty dollars??!?!?!"
I made so much commotion that Oscar-Tyrone woke up from his nap and left the room.
"Man," I hollered, my voice an octave higher than usual. (This is always the case when I am excited or agitated. "Ain't no way I'd pay that much to see her."
"Me neither," my sister said.
We went on and on about this.
"Well," I said. "She can charge that much. Afterall, she is Sade. I can only remember her stopping through the ATL one or two other times."
Unh-unh," my sister mumbled. "That's too high."
"Who's opening for her?"
"John Legend."
*LadyLee launches into a very loud off-key version of Ordinary People*
"We just ordinary peeeeoppple! Man, I don't wanna see that dude. That's the only song by him that I know. And if I'ma pay $550.00 for a ticket, then I wanna sit UP on the piano bench with the dude and I wanna sang the song with him."
*LadyLee continues to sing Ordinary People*
"I wouldn't pay that much, still," Kentucky said.
"I would pay that much. Yep," I said. "Only if I get to be front row center, and they got that little space right up front cleared up for me, so I can dance, dance, dance as she sings. And she better come out on that stage giving me shout outs!"
"No, still too much," my sister said.
"I'd pay it. She have to sing ALL my favorite songs. I don't wanna hear nothing from those last couple of albums. I wanna hear everything off the greatest hits and the first couple albums. "she better walk out on stage shouting me out on every song!"
Kentucky laughed. "Well you get a gift bag, Lisa."
"A gift bag? What it got in it?"
"You get a Sade T-shirt, and some other stuff."
"A Sade t-shirt? What???! I better get a Sade dress. And some Sade sandals."
"Well, it's a nice bag."
"Whatever," I said. "Let me tell you something, Kentucky. She better come out on stage singing and put my name in the song. In every song.
I particularly love "Is it a Crime." That is one of my top five favorite songs.
And Sade better sing the long thirty minute version and she better be shouting me out the whole time.
"Is it a crime, LadyLee!!?" Sade hollers in her thick british accent.
"No it's not, Sade!" I yell back. "Ain't no crime to love that man the way you do, Oldgirl! I've loved a man that hard too! You not alone, honey! It's not a crime!! "
Ha. Ha. For $550, me and Sade will be conversing through EVERY song!
"Well," I finally said to my sister. "That's a once in a lifetime opportunity."
"I'm not going."
My sister... shes a cheapskate.
"I play Sade during the kid's naptime," my sister added. "I play the Jezebel song. They can sing that song, every word. On key."
Hard to imagine a bunch of 4-year-olds singing "Jezzzzeeeeebel! Was born with a silver spoon in her mouth!!!!
I talked to my best friend LadyTee later that night. Told her about the tickets.
"Ain't no way," LadyTee said.
"I know that's right, girl. And Kentucky said the nosebleed tickets are $68.00."
"Still." LadyTee said.
"That's too much to not be able to see her."
"Man," LadyTee said. "You gotta give up later that night if a man take you to that concert."
"Sure do."
"I mean, LadyTee continued. "You can't even get out of that one. You HAVE to get busy."
Yes for $550.00.... you know what it is. lol
"I ain't worried about it," LadyTee said. "Ninjas gonna have the cellphones. It'll be up on youtube."
"Aint't the same, girl."
"Whatever. I'll catch it on youtube."
I guess I'll catch it on youtube, too. That, and listen to the greatest hits at home. Close my eyes and pretend Sade is right there.
You the man, Sade! But not for $550.00!!!
I remember when tickets were no more than 20 dollars. I paid that much for the fresh fest and Beastie Boys. MC Hammer, Jodeci and Boyz II Men cost me $30 bucks 20 years ago. And I was HOT behind that because I took a 3 year old Kari and a 10 year old Kentucky with me. I was hot about $90 tickets.
I guess times have changed.
But Sade doesn't have the highest ticket prices.
The highest I've heard about is Elton John out in Vegas. $1200.00.

*blank stare*
For that much, I better be sitting UP on stage at the piano bench with him... and he better only sing the songs I know... for six hours straight.
Like that "Benny and the Jets"!
(Elton John on Soul Train! And look at blogger Chele behind him in the brown skirt dancing down. LOL. Worse soul train dancing I've ever seen!! You can't get down to that song!)
For $1200, he'll have to change the Lyrics to "LadyLee and the Jets!"
Shoot, man... he'll have to change it waaaay up to "LadyLee and the Chickens".
$500. $1200. Hey, you do you. If it's your favorite sanger, I suppose you will pay any price. Knock yourself out.
But not your girl. Not LadyLee.
No way.
Not when I have the CD, and access to itunes.
*LadyLee putting on her headphones and turning the music way up*
I got my imagination, honey.
And that's all I need.
Really though.
Ya'll have a good Wednesday... on purpose!
I laughed all through this post!!!! And I agree with you 100%. If concerts are running like this I guess I will never see another. I remember that MC Hammer, Boyz 2 Men and Jodeci tour. I was 13, it was my 1st concert and I lost my mind!!!
ReplyDeleteDid you say $550?!?!?!
I know people who bought tickets to that show. But I'm with you on those ticket prices being WAY TOO HIGH!!!
Does Ms. Adu and her lovely band realize we're in a recession? Have they seen the gas prices?
I'm just sayin'
@This One Woman... I went to that MC Hammer, Jodeci, and Boyz II Men concert. That was a GOOD one. But I was HOT about dragging my 3 year old brother with us. That was an extra 30 bucks. UGH.
ReplyDeleteThese days, you can always find a nice DVD of people's concerts. That will have to do.
@KayC... Where your folks sitting at? If they got the good $550 seats, make sure their cell phone is good so they can record it all!
Now, those were the good seats. She said something about some $250 dollar tickets in the back. No way. I gotta really love someone to get down like that. And they gotta sing for a lonnnng time. None of this 1 or 2 hour show... You need to give me my money's worth.
Um, why I gotta be dancin' in the video?
ReplyDeleteAnyway, these ticket prices are ri-damn-diculous!
@That OldgirlChele... Uh, the question is... why you gotta be dancin in the video wearing platform shoes and dancing with the tall dude with the afro! LOL!!
ReplyDeleteThat's you, boo. Same honey toasted complexion. That auburnish hair color you've had over the years at times... THAT'S YOU! With your non-dancing behind. LOL!!
I swear man... that is the WORST soul train dancing I have ever seen. You CANNOT get down and boogie to "Benny and the Jets". Nerp.
Sade is worth it. I would have to know a long time in advance so I could budget the money! I STILL wanna be on the front row center, with her shouting me out on every song. And that concert better be 6 hours long.
There is no way I am paying that to sit in some arena, and not be able to have really nice bathrooms, really nice seats. Besides I can't tolerate crowds. I am supper club kind of woman. I like small intimate venues. Believe me, the idea crossed my mind to get tkts...she'll be here early July. But I am not a John Legend fan and I just couldn't tolerate all those people.
ReplyDeleteI got all her cds and I can always watch a performance on youtube. Yep that's how I'm rollin' at 48! LOL!
ReplyDeleteBABZ! Come on, Babz!
Babz is a Supper Club type of girl! That's what I'm talking about.
You know what? I've been to a couple of small venue events before, and I REALLY like that atmosphere. I haven't been to any arena type concerts in a good 10 years. But the last one I went to was an outdoor arena which was large, but intimate enough, where I could at least see what was going on!
Sade and Prince would be great in small venues. I MIGHT pay for that, lol... As long as I can see what's going on!
You, Kentucky and LadyTee were speaking only gospel truth. Those tickets are too damn high.
ReplyDeleteI've always said that the only current entertainer I'd pay copious amounts to see is Beyonce (because that woman gives a HELLUVA show) but I wouldn't even pay $550.00 for her. I think artists have some nerve charging that kind of money in HUGE venues (like Phillips' Arena). You better go on a real tour if you need money, b.
@ASmith... Ash! I just looked up the tickets! They have 4 floor level $550 dollar tickets left and 4 lower level $250 dollar tickets left. You better get em, gal! LOL!
ReplyDeleteThe 68 dollar tickets... You're at a 90 degree angle WAAAAY up in the nosebleed section. She even has seating behind the stage! That is funny! I would just have to go enjoy the music only, then. Not even see her!
I think we are willing to pay any amount of money if it's our favorite artist. But my favorite artists don't even command a venue like Phillips. Not even Fox or Chastain. Maybe the local lounge, or something, with a 2 drink minimum at best, lol...
But I still think Sade would be off the chain in a small venue. That will NEVER happen. Really.
Lee - I think they purchased the $68 tickets but this was when they first went on sale back in March(I think). I HOPE they are not really in nose bleed central for that price.
ReplyDeleteKeep in mind that price is before the added junk fees. So those $68 tickets are really like $80 when it's all said and done.
In a small venue, I totally see those high price tags but if they look like ants then what's the point? You're watching a monitor hoping the sound is good.
I know people who paid $80 ticket to see Kat Williams at Phillips and he is small to begin with! No way I would do that. GTFOHWTBS! Civic Center, maybe. Phillips? They smoking that good, good, oooweee!!!
Sade has a voice like an angel, but $550?!? I think if I wanted to hear her that bad, I'd throw that Best of Sade CD in and listen to it for a few.
ReplyDeleteBut yeah, when she came out....sister could sing her ass off!!!