What a FANTASTIC weekend I had!!!
Hate it's over!!
You know what happened on Friday night, right?
I attended a Silver Sparrow event!!!!
I had been so GIDDY all day that I couldn't concentrate at work. I was just EXCITED. 7:30 couldn't get there fast enough that day. I was watching the clock tick... tick... tick... sloooowly.
But I left work, went home, kicked off my Nikes, put on something decent and headed out...
I was in the bookstore, Charis Bookstore, staring in utter AWE at the book display...
(Doggonit I wanted to just crawl up on the table and lay on it all, lol)
When I heard someone say "Dr. Parker!"
I recognized that voice: It was the great Tayari Jones!
*lee doing all she can not to fall prostrate on the ground and weep at her feet*
I gave her a hug. Some of us sat down in the back and talked.
When we text or talk I always slip in "Please drink your water." She may or may not comply. I know I got a text one day of her hollering "I'm feeling dehydrated!!". I was not happy about that, and scolded her by text.
Let's just say she had some water in her red cup!
But it was great. Over much too soon. She could've talked 'til midnight, and I would've been good and happy about it.
Good to see you, Remnants!!
Tayari signed books.
"You know I will, Cre-Cre!" I yelled back.
There you go CowgirlCre!
(CowgirlCre went to highschool with Tayari. Tayari doesn't remember her, as Tayari was a Silver Girl. LOL) But I had to work hard to get her to sign the books of the winners. She signed my book, but when I heaved the box of books I'd brought with me up for her to sign, she told me to go to the back of the line.
*gas face*
You know... if I would've had a little liquor in me, I woulda cussed her good. But uh, we're both SWATS girls, Southwest Atlanta girls. Probably wouldn't bother her one bit to go toe-to-toe with me. It's probably been a minute since she's thrown someone in a headlock.
You can take the girl out of SWATS. But you can't take the SWATS out the girl. O_o
*lee slowly walking to back of the line with her box of books*
Anyway, this was cool, because I had great convos with RemnantsofYou and some cute law school teaching brutha. (Ain't nothing like a good convo with an intelligent brutha! *cartwheels*)
But she signed the books for me, thetlast person in line...
And she signed my book.
"To Alesia- you are the audience. You are also Nettie. You are also my friend."
*hard lip quiver, fat tear drop*
Not personally signed to you... Can't help you with that. That Oldgirl is catching a plane out of Hotlanta right about now. But nevertheless, signed by her.
If you entered the other drawings and didn't win, then you are still eligible. And however many times you comment, that's how many times your name gets entered!!
Sooo... comment to win! All week, since I will be posting all week!
Those who won the last 5 books... your books will be mailed this week!
Come on and comment! You may not want a book, but we'll do something GOOD for you!
Tell me why you loooooove the House of LadyLee so much!
Best comment gets a gift card...
It was GREAT to see you Tayari! We talk on the phone and text, text, text, but it was good to see you in person. As you were reading, I took time to remember allllll that has gone on to get this book together, all the convos about it! I remember it all!
Felt good to hold that book in my hand! I hated when it was over! I want more from you!!!
Good luck on the next leg of the tour!
And don't forget! "Drink your WATER!!!"
*tayari rolls eyes*
You all have a great week! And comment to win!!!
Confession: I'm commenting because I want a copy of this book. I've read about Ms. Jones in Essence and reading about how you feel about her has my interest piqued!
ReplyDeleteI trust your judgment and taste good Doctor so I know this Tayari Jones is a force to reckon with.
But also, I love reading what goes on over here in the House of Ladylee. You're a natural writer. One that plays the movie in my head. Sweet Heat? Honey chile, that is a G-O-O-D book! I had that story line playing in my head for weeks after.
I'm waiting for that to hit the shelves so I can buy up a box of books and get you to sign them so I can give them away. Yes, it is that good.
Speaking of, isn't there another novel of yours that you've completed? Can a sista get the hook up on that one? Please? Pretty please? *bats eyelashes*
I like your space because you always touching on something deep. I still think about the seed blog. I tried to find it in your archives but didn't. It is so true. And you truly are a gifted writer even though you don't know it yet just like La.
ReplyDelete@sayitlikethis... Man, you can comment if you want a copy of the book... you LURKER! lol... Throwing your name in the book drawing!
ReplyDeleteI am sooo glad you liked Sweet Heat... that is my "Throw-a-way" practice manuscript, but oh how I love it so. I have no idea how to carve down 900 pages. But Tayari gave me a GREAT idea concerning this. I am going to talk to her about it soon, hopefully.
I have another story called "Watch". Not as good as Sweet Heat, but it has it's moments. I like it alot. It's about 220 pages. I'll send it to you.
@unityfalls... Awww man... thanks for the comment! And you know how much I adore La... she's my writing idol. She's been writing since she was in the womb. I want to be like her when I grow up!
ReplyDeleteHere's your seed post: (I think this is the one you're talking about)---> http://ladylee35.blogspot.com/2009/01/food-for-thought-seed-seed-and-more.html
I will have to say that since I've been lurking around the halls of the House of LadyLee I have not been afraid to conquer the things that are in my head and on my mind. It may not always be pretty over on my blogspace but it is honest and how I feel at the time.
ReplyDeleteI always remember 2 pieces of comments that you left there: write my blog like no one is reading and that life will have its ebbs and flows. These 2 fantastic pieces of advice have truly helped to change how I emote (is that a word?)...how I feel and display my emotions.
I also try to live my life purposefully. I know that my mind has been broadened to do such even if I don't always succeed.
So if I have never told you...Thank you.
(I know this is a bit much and you do don't do the mush but here it is. :)
When I began to read your blog, I was a newbie with all of this blogging stuff. I had been a regular on another blog but, it was filled with a lot of things that I did not feel was conducive to where I wanted my spirit to be. I prayed about it...really hard. All of my friends were out of town because of the storm and I was feeling alone. I had no girlfriends around. I wanted to find a blog that I could read that would let me have "internet playmates" if you will. I don't even remember how I stumbled upon your blog. I do know that, it was after saying a prayer. I would read your blog but not comment. You had some awesome music playing and I would hit up your music list and read. Reading and jammin'...my favorite combo. The more I read, the more I wanted to read. I could tell that you were "cool peeps" and the people who hung around these parts were cool as well. When I made a comment, you welcomed me here and you began to comment on my blog. Through prayer, I had found an internet friend. Been here ever since...will be here as long as you are.
ReplyDelete* I do not want to be in the gift card contest... just wanted you to know what brought me here.
I will comment but I already have the book so don't enter my name.
ReplyDeleteI come to the House of Ladylee because you are an awesome teacher and writer. You're inspiring, you make me thing and reflect and be purposefull. You can make me laugh and cry within the same post. You are sincere and encouraging. I feel blessed to have met you through these "internets". You are important and you matter!
Ok u convinced me to go ahead and comment this time for the drawing. The last few times I've read your blog entries about this I didn't comment to enter..
ReplyDeleteI can only say that I look forward to one day reading YOUR book. You must get started on writing that book (many books) because you have annointed talent and things to say that will help others and things they need to read.
Your one of the reasons that I've decided to start blogging again. Right now I'm just working on the blog and deciding which direction I want it to go and whether it will just be for me or whether I will open it up.
I have my personally signed copy so keep my name out of the drawing.
ReplyDeleteFriday night was the best! I just knew Lee would be on the 1st row, so I was glad that Tayari mention you. I didn't realize that I was sitting so close to you.
I think she made you go to the back of the line, because she wanted you around until the end. Although a fight between 2 authors from the SWATS would have been entertaining. LOL! So glad I got to meet you, and yes "Professor Attorney" was fine.
Your admiration/stalking of Tayari is so cute...I can feel your excitement thru my screen.
ReplyDeleteIn a world w/so much negativity it's refreshing to read your blog. There is no fashion and hair or makeup (not knocking any of those things). There are things that really matter. Character, honesty and purpose. Stepping up your faith etc... things that matter to all of us relaxed heads, natural girls, city girls country girls east or west coast. No matter where we are from or what we do for a living we all want to just do better, be better.
I cant't tell you how many times you have written a post that caused me to reflect on MY life. Your words have convicted me(well maybe that was the holy spirit through you.
anywho...the house of lady lee is very inspirational for me....even if I dont read everyday, when I do, I ALWAYS walk away with something POSITIVE
P.S I borrowed, well stole (it's not stealing if I confess is it?)
"have a great day on PURPOSE" I use it after all my texts....LOL
dee in san diego
Lee why come you always acting up for ?? Im telling your Momma .. I died laughing at the SWAT comment only you.
ReplyDeleteI like the House of Lee cause you be making this chicken here think. lol
I want a copy of Silver Sparrow, Ladylee! I have read "leaving atlanta" and "the untelling". Loved them both!
ReplyDeleteWhy I read your blog: I love the way you tell a story. Whether it is you being an author, you recounting a sermon you have heard, or your thoughts about current events...you always leave us with something to "chew on" (something to think about for those of you that are not from the country). Your writing reminds me of the writing of one of my favorite authors, J. California Cooper. I look foward to your posts.
Thanks for sharing pieces of you with us!
OMG you are SOOOO LUCKY!!! i'm so happy for you that you got to go!!! i'm waaay out here in no (black) mans land (just kidding, sort of).
ReplyDeletei've been trying to get out to get her book ever since i heard it was coming (good 'ole Oprah!) a few months ago, but this chemo's had me under the house, lol!!
i feel and enjoy your excitement.... thank you for sharing it with me (us) sister.
~ angela
I like your blog because I'm your MAMA!!!!! **Grabs sparkly flip flop**
I found your blog from a comment on Serenity. I would love a copy of the book...I read it on my nook!
ReplyDeleteI already have the book so I would love to win the gift card.
ReplyDeleteI love your blog because of your honesty. I come away with lessons and I love your writing. I notice how we have things in common and think alike in some areas.
Your stalker tendencies crack me out.
ReplyDeleteI really like what Ali said. Very nice.
I learned about the blog by learning more about you! Your blog has been a blessing to me in so many ways that I am sure you do not even know. You introduced me to the blog world and my soror/sister/friend Serenity!
ReplyDeleteThrough your blog, I learned so much more about you AND myself. You are truly one of my tomorrow people. You encourage me to be my authentic self. You have confirmed for me that it is okay not to be what everyone wants me to be. Your discernment is uncanny
This won't really have effect, I think so.
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