It is Friday
I am OFF!
And it is GOOD!!
Yes Sir. Yes Ma'am.
I actually put some time in the system to see if I could get it off. It took a few hours. Folks had to think about it suppose. But when I saw the email come up approved? I let out a Hoooray! Almost did a few cartwheels up and down the cubicle area!
*cartwheeling in my mind*
I'm suppose to hook up with my sister Kentucky today. This is her last Friday off before she goes back to school. All teachers start back next week, and good week before the kids, so I wanted to get a little sister time in.
We going shopping down in Newnan, a good 45 minutes south of downtown Atlanta.
Lawd knows that I don't like to shop. But she's a shopping diva. So we are going to go look around. I need curtains and house stuff. We are going to find somewhere to have a little lunch or something. And we are just going to hang out alllll day. And then I will go to church tonight.
I was going to go this morning because I love weekday morning service, but I woke up at 2:30 this morning... Aunt Flo is around. My sister told me the other day, "Aunt Flo is here with all her children: Irratibility, anger, confusion, and a few others!"
LOL. Gotta use that in a story. HILARIOUS.
That gal is funny. Looking forward to hanging with her today.
So with that, I will leave you with a couple photos. We are still doing the interim boss thing for our group at work. Can't say I like it. We need one boss. Permanent. Next person coming up is a mystery. Especially since dude got wrote up for 8 hours AWOL and He TOLD her he wasn't going to be there. You can't stand up for us. That's what it shows me.
But forget about that. The outgoing boss, Sir By, bought us some free lunch!
Cowgirl Cree's Lemon Pepper wings:

Look at those veggies! There's a lot going on there! Sauteed veggies, spanish rice, black beans, tortillas, lettuce, cheese, salsa! Wow.
But look at the veggies.
Since when did they have broccoli in fajitas?
I didn't care babes! I worked it OUT!!
Cowgirl Cre gave me one of her chicken wings. It was alright... *throwing wing over my shoulder and concentrating on broccoli*
Thought I would give you a good food picture. Ya'll were a bit perturbed by yesterday's picture. (YALL NEED TO MAN UP AND STOP being some PUNKS).
Can't take none of you chickens on the show Survivor.
And finally, a note of warning, some good advice. Let me tell you something... Don't go leaving negative anonymous comments on people's blogs. No I don't have that problem at the House of LadyLee. I have mature readers. Ya'll either comment or lurk. I don't have a problem with that.
But listen. Most bloggers have site meters. Soooo, if you up in the middle of the night, leaving a nasty comment, that comment is time stamped. Then we see the IP address, the type of computer, the city and state from whence you leave it. We can match all that up.
You got that?
I rarely look at my site meter. It is over there in the margin to the right. Sometimes you can hide them. I know I have an average of about 70 readers a day. Which is cool. But it amazes me that people who don't like me, well, they lurk over here. Ain't that something? Interested in what I am talking about. Interesting.
But back to the issue at hand. Don't leave a nasty comment. You couldn't say it to that person's face. And you stepped low when you left an anonymous comment. AND it could be worse if you actually talk to this person face to face... smiling in their face. Yet you don't think much of them.
That's what I call classless. Good definition.
Anyway, leave it be. I have friends right now who can list things that they don't like about me. Some of my ways and idiosyncracies are MUCH different than their own. And I can imagine my isshas irritate the cheese out of them.
Yet they love me nevertheless.
They realize we are DIFFERNT. We handle life issues differently. We are different people. We don't judge. We love and appreciate each other regardless of that.
You may say, LadyLee why you saying all this? Cuz it need to be said. And this is friday freeeestyles and I can say what I want on the microphone.
And I don't like seeing immature stuff. Nope. Yeah, I will forever be growing out of my immature issues, just like everybody else... still don't like seeing it in myself or others.
And I don't like strange stuff. Like a really good friend leaving an bad anonymous comment. And then acting like nothing is wrong. That is strange... and telling. It tells a lot.
Your true friends are those who see your bad side... and stick it out with you nevertheless.
Alright! Enough of the LadyLee PSA. My weekend is here!
My 3 day weekend has begun! And I'm gonna work it out... on purpose, man! Straight up!
You have a good Friday, and a good weekend too!