Not much umph behind that. I don't like Mondays. Well, unless I am off from work, which isn't the case this morning.
All I know is that it's cold. It's 30 degrees in the ATL right now. It's suppose to get up to the mid-fifties today.
Ain't it March 1st? For some reason I expected balmy 75 degree weather... instantly.
I suppose it don't happen that way. The new leaves aren't even growing on the trees yet.
Anyway... on to my weekend shenanigans (Yeah right, lol)
Saturday. We had a Tripple F Possee (Financial Freedom Fighters meeting) EARLY in the morning. (Ya'll need to kill off this 10 o'clock in the morning madness). It was a productive meeting.
Last month, I was a bit surly. When asked a question, I was like "I don't know, and I don't care. I'm just gonna pay my bills faithfully, and I'm gonna go sit on somebody's beach and think about it all."
I didn't have much to say at this meeting, as usual, but I came away with some good tips. I think most of us are at a point where we are making good financial decisions and implementing, but we are all on autopilot. Keep things interesting, and keep the car in the road, that's my thing right now.
I don't want to make bad decisions. That's bothering me right now. So my goal right now is to take the financial thing day by day, and do my best. I've been doing okay so far... so we will just go with that.
After the meeting, I went to the vegan grocery store and bought a few things I needed for the week. Me and Kentucky were suppose to go bowling, but she took off before I got back home. I guess I took too long.
Oh well. I jumped in the bed and took a loooong nap.
(Yeah, ya'll need to kill these 10 o'clock meetings, lol).
I made a very good veggie lasagna on Saturday night. I have enough to last a few more meals, so I sectioned it off, wrapped it up, and threw it in the freezer. I also watched Tyler Perry's Madea Goes to Jail, which was much better than I thought it would be.
So, a productive Saturday overall...
Sunday. Sunday was... interesting. I woke up with a screeching headache. And I immediately knew the reason: I was dehydrated.
This happens if I don't drink at least 3/4ths of a gallon per day. I prefer to drink a gallon a day, but it don't work out like that much of the time. 3/4ths of a gallon seems to be optimum. But if I fall short for 2 days straight... man, on the third day? I am hurting... and that's what happened Sunday morning.
So, I started drinking water, trying to get myself back straight. And I stayed in the bed most of the day. Shame on me, because I had stuff to do. But I had my trusty laptop, so I did get a little writing done.
One of my characters... I can't get a grip on her. She really likes this song:
She's outside planting flowers and it comes on the radio, and she's singing down. (You know how we do when our songs come on the radio, lol).
Now, when I had some material edited a few years ago, I was told that there has to be a reason a character likes a song, i.e., don't put a song in a story unless there's a reason for it.
Makes sense. Hence, my issues with my character's love of the song above. I can't figure it out. I'm sick of thinking about it, since that was a few chapters back. But the fact that it's staying on my mind makes it significant.
LadyTee LOVES that song. I don't. And the more I listen to it, the more it sounds like some scorned woman who's run up on her lover and she's had enough. She has him at gunpoint, and she's saying what she has to say before she blows him away.
(Okay, I've been watching tooooo much Snapped).
I may have to change it. We will see. For now, it's an editing note in the margin ("Figure out why this chick likes this song!")

What I didn't expect was the very detailed discussion of gratitude and forgiveness in the latter chapters of this book. The author did an excellent job explaining how it affects your health and general state of mind. It was a good read, and gave me much to think about.
That's it for my weekend. And now it's over. I think we should have 5 day weekends, and 2 day work weeks. I'd love that!
So, it's March 1st. The year is 16.7% over. I have 83.3% of the year left to do something special.
HA! That's a good way to look at it.
I'll probably spend most of the day thinking about my goals. I don't usually post goals, only write them down in a journal somewhere. I'll continue to do that.
I woke up this morning groaning about the work week ahead, but I've made a decision to look forward to the good things that will happen this week. I must say that there hasn't been a week gone by that somehting good hasn't happened.
And I must continue to keep that in mind. Focus on the positive. Always... and on purpose.
Ya'll have a fine week... on purpose.
Is this character of yours about to blow her man's brains out?? lol, maybe that's why she likes it so much.
ReplyDeleteThe Health book looks extremely interesting. A friend just loaned me a book titled "In Defense of Food" that has a similar theme to what you've described. I keep reading other stuff, so I haven't gotten to it, but I need to read that. I don't think about what's going in my body enough. It's all about instant gratification with bad.
@Not so Anon...
ReplyDeleteUh, naw... she's not about to kill anybody. She's out planting flowers. Other than it being hot as hell outside, she is not particularly perturbed... I'll send you a 100 word excerpt of something and you tell me if it's enough for her to be uh... upset, lol...
I need to figure it out, and come up with something interesting, as it adds another layer to the story. Either that, or change the song!
Dear goals technologist, I have a goal of reading one health book per quarter. I read articles and what not, all the time, but I'm trying to read a few books too! So that is a goal of mine. Just a matter of finding good readable health books that are not too technical... That's the hard part.
Hey, look out for that post we talked about on Friday's Food-for-thought this week:)