Haven't said that in awhile. I ain't all that ecstatic this morning. A little tired, and nowheres near giddy.
I am happy, though, that the weather is looking up: cold in the mornings, but real nice in the afternoons. I'm down with that!
On to my scandalous weekend, lol..
Saturday. It's the beginning of the month. That means grocery time. No big deal, as I am eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, I have to go shopping twice a week sometimes.
But this month I am working on something different: purchasing as much organic produce as possible. This is difficult, as organic tends to cost a good 50% more than conventional produce. I understand why that is so, but it's still hard. So this month, that is the goal.
Spent a good grip of cash, but uh... I should be straight until well into next week.
LadyTee has been looking for a farm connection for some fresh pastured poultry and grassfed beef, so I think I found one. So I went to this place called the Slush Market and cafe in the East Atlanta Village, where I found out on the internet that a farmer brought out products from his farm every Friday morning for sale to the public.
Now, I knew there was something odd when I heard Tony, Toni, Tone kicking out on the loud speakers outside the store. But when I walked in... and saw the hardwood flooring, the cherry wood shelving, the lounging couches, well, I thought I had ran up into some place I, uh, shouldn't have been, lol.
But, it was more of a smoothie bar or something. It had a few groceries on the shelves. Appeared to be black-owned. I didn't ask any questions. I just looked around.
I wanted to ask "Uh, can I bring my laptop up here and hang out on this couch and write ALL day long?"
This GORGEOUS brutha made me the best smoothie I EVER had in my life, chocked full of blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, peaches and a splash of agave nectar.
I'm not sure what was going on up in there, but uh, that was the highlight of my weekend. LOL! Just looking at the website, well, they have a full range organic menu, so I will be definitely checking them out and supporting them! And they have the free wi-fi. (So I may be running up there with my laptop!)
I made it home during the early afternoon. I really needed to kick some chores, but that could wait. I decided to do some crocheting and watch a movie.
Drag me to Hell. This is odd, because I HATE horror movies. Especially crazy occultic stuff. I look at this type of stuff and think, "Uh, why don't ya'll just pray about this madness?" But if that was the case, there would be no story.
Game over.
But I saw a preview of this and thought the storyline was interesting. It was reminescent of Stephen King's Thinner. A loan officer denies a gypsy woman a loan and all hell breaks lose, literally. Very good for a horror movie. Scared me up a storm. I don't recommend this type of thing. I need more feel good movies, some stuff that will build me up. Good movie though, if you like that type of stuff. My sister saw part of it last night. Not sure if she was more interested in the film or me bunny hopping all around the kitchen at certain parts that were some craziness... and were hilarious after the fact. I'll have to get her verdict on it.
Sunday. I had the most fascinating 20 minute phone convo with Miss Celie (Tayari Jones) on Sunday morning.
*Lee falls prostrate to the ground in awe*
I can't really do that anymore. It's like she's my cousin or something like that. Can't be all star struck, lol. And I think I confused her with my greeting for folk who call me on a regular basis...
Instead of the usual "Miss Celie, Miss Celie, MISS CELIE!!!!" followed by passing out on the floor.
But I had sent her a text concerning something she posted on Twitter, concerning this LONG awaited new novel she's polishing off, and we had a short convo about it. Very intriguing. Always a joy to talk to her. I feel very rich just to have my favorite author on speed dial, lol. And it makes me go do some writing immediately, even if it's only for a few minutes...
Yeah, T... I'ma need for you to call me every single day. Just read off the stock report or a grocery list to me or something. It always gives me some strange urge to go do a BUNCH of writing. Yeah, I need that. Much obliged, lol.
My sister Kentucky, she likes to go walking on the Silver Comet trail, especially now since it's warm. I keep telling her to be careful, because when I think of Silver Comet, I think of some woman who got snatched up on the trail and murdered. There was a long trial, and the man who committed the crime was sentenced to death.
She invited me along with her. And I went along... I need to investigate where she is running off to, because even at the age of 28 years old... she is still a CHILD. lol.
So we went out on the the Silver Comet trail, which stretches 66 miles from ATL to Alabama.

No, we did not walk to Alabama, lol. But we walked from the starting point in ATL to that second orange square above.
The trail was interesting. Every white person in the state of Georgia was out there - skating, running and biking. Never saw that many white folk in my life!
It's worth the walk, for all the scenery:

The trail doesn't look like that right now.... No lush greenery, only bare trees and brush. I hope to go back and take pictures when it's nice out there. Definitely a good place for exercise, despite the crowds!
That is it for my weekend. I tuned into the Oscars last night: GO MO'NIQUE. I am glad she won the Oscar despite all the haters. Good grief. Good for you, Mo'nique. And I LOVE Sandra Bullock! And Hurt Locker was excellent. Congrats to the winners!
This week is going to be a hectic workweek. I can see it now. I was buried under a ton of paperwork last week. This week- more lab work. Fun fun FUN, lol...
Come on, Springtime! I am MORE than ready for some continuous nice weather.
You all have a great week... On purpose!
Happy Monday to you! Yay for the organic fruit and veggies. It is a bit expensive for me, so I usually stick with the non organic stuff. Sometime this week, I'm going to go look for new fruit and veggies to plant in the garden we are going to create. Have you tried that? You can grow your own organic foods!
ReplyDeleteOrganic is best. And you know what I do for a living, I have NO excuses. A bit pricey, but I don't buy meat, so it all evens out.
ReplyDeleteYep, I had a garden. Interesting. I have quite a few old posts about my gardening shenanigans, lol. Last one was 2 years ago. I didn't care for the 90 dollar water bill. I may try it again if I can get a raised garden bed built out back. But for now, I'll chill.
Gardening is a great thing. Takes daily care, but a good thing. (I just have to get past the high water bills!)
"Never saw that many white folk in my life!"
ReplyDeleteYou crack me up!
I hope you're not too buried with work that you can't take a breath and find a moment of joy. ;)