Sunday, November 29, 2009


It is Sunday!

I need one more day off from work! I may go in early so I can leave early!!

(Yeah right).


I had a nice quiet day today... save for Aunt Flo knocking on the door and barging in. Humph. But even she can't ruin a great day.

I am most thankful for the day.

Nothing more to report from the House of LadyLee. So I will just leave you with one of my favortie gospel songs.

Be forewarned... uh, it's very much unorthodox. But it does get to the heart of the matter.


  1. Ditto on your thoughts about needing that extra day!!!

    Trust me when I say we're --->HERE<--- on that!!!

  2. I thought it was pronounced Tone-X

    LOL. The end of the month is also here!!

  3. Anonymous10:32:00 AM

    I need just one more day too.


Slap the *crickets* out the way, kindly step up to the mike, and SAY something!!